I’m back with another Colleen Hoover book review. This time, I tackled All Your Perfects, and I’ve got thoughts. 

Full disclosure: This isn’t my favorite of Colleen Hoover’s books, but it’s still a solid read that packs an emotional punch.

all your perfects book review

All Your Perfects Book Summary

All Your Perfects follows Quinn and Graham, a married couple whose relationship is crumbling under the weight of unspoken pain. 

The novel alternates between their perfect beginning (the “Then” chapters) and their troubled marriage (the “Now” chapters). This back-and-forth structure creates this stark contrast between their whirlwind romance and their present narrative where they’re barely hanging on.

On the surface, it’s a love story about a marriage at its breaking point, but dig deeper, and it’s a hard-hitting book about identity, the complexities of love, and how even the deepest love can be tested by life’s curveballs.

Let me start with how Quinn and Graham meet because it’s honestly one of the best parts of the book. They both show up at the same apartment to catch their cheating partners in the act. But instead of it being a total disaster, they end up sitting in the hallway outside Ethan’s apartment, processing their shock together.

The “Then” chapters show this couple fall hard and fast for each other. The way Graham pursues Quinn is honestly swoon-worthy. He’s what we might call a good role model for potential future husbands out there. 

Their perfect beginning sets the stage for what should have been a happily ever after.

The “Now” sections, though? Oof. These chapters hurt. 

They show Quinn and Graham’s marriage at the point of repair or complete breakdown. It’s unclear which way they’ll go for much of the book.

Without giving too much away (because the very thing that’s destroying their marriage is revealed gradually), the present narrative deals with fertility struggles and the feelings of inadequacy that come with them. Quinn’s mental health spirals as she deals with what she perceives as her failure as a woman, while Graham tries desperately to reach her.

All Your Perfects By Colleen Hoover Book Review

On a side note, I appreciated how CoHo handled the subject matter of this book. Infertility isn’t something many romance books tackle, and she does it with sensitivity while not pulling punches about how devastating it can be. There’s a self-harm scene that was difficult to read but felt honest to Quinn’s character and struggle.

Can we talk about Graham for a sec? This man is patient. Like, saint-level patient. The good husband stands by Quinn even when she’s actively pushing him away the whole time. 

There were moments I wanted to reach into the book and shake Quinn for not seeing what was right in front of her.

Quinn once again is a character who frustrated me at times, but in that way that made me care more about her, not less. Her spiral felt real. Who among us hasn’t had those moments where our insecurities take over? Maybe not to that extent, but still, I got it.

Without spoiling too much, there’s this wooden box of love letters that plays a crucial role in the story. When Quinn discovers what Graham has been hiding in there… well, it’s good.

All Your Perfects Book Review

What sets All Your Perfects apart from other contemporary romance novels is that it focuses on saving a marriage rather than starting one. So many romance books are about the chase, but what happens after “I do”? 

It’s a stark contrast to your typical romance novel where the story ends when the couple gets together. Here, we see what happens when the fairy tale ending isn’t so perfect, and how imperfect people navigate their way back to each other.

This book deals with some heavy stuff, and as someone who loves the escapism of romance books, the realistic portrayal of a damaged couple trying to save their imperfect marriage hit differently. It’s not a light beach read, that’s for sure.

But I appreciate that Colleen didn’t shy away from showing how it can affect not just individuals but relationships, too. It’s the kind of book that might help a single person understand what couples dealing with these issues might be experiencing.

All Your Perfects By Colleen Hoover Book Review

The thing that frustrated me the MOST about this book? If Quinn and Graham had just communicated with each other from the beginning, there would be no issue, and they could have saved themselves (and me!) so much heartache. But then, I guess we wouldn’t have a book, and I wouldn’t be a frustrated reader staying up until 3 AM to see if they’d figure it out.

My favorite thing about Colleen Hoover’s books is that even when they’re breaking your heart, you can’t put them down.

If you’re looking for a novel that will make you examine your own relationships and how you communicate, this one’s for you. It’s not for young people necessarily. I’d recommend it more for readers who have some relationship experience under their belts to really appreciate the nuances.

This isn’t light and fluffy romance. It’s a New York Times bestseller for a reason. It deals with adult themes in a mature way.

I’ve seen people say online that this book is “depressing.” Sure, it deals with tough topics, but the key takeaway isn’t despair. It’s hope.

As I mentioned, this is my least favorite of Colleen Hoover’s books, but All Your Perfects still deserves a place on your bookshelf.

It won the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Romance, after all, so clearly it resonated with a lot of readers, even if it wasn’t my personal first-place pick.

Have you read All Your Perfects? What did you think?

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