My daughter is a Daisy this year, so we had 300 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to sell.

There are two kinds of cookies that are new this year – Toffee-Tastic® and Smores. Both sell for $5 a box.

Before I get to the recipe, you can watch me go through the entire baking process, from start to finish, in less than 30 seconds here.

Girl Scout Cookies S’mores Recipe

When I was invited to a Super Bowl party and asked to bring a dessert, I turned the S’mores Girl Scout cookies into a delicious dessert recipe that was a hit. Another popular Girl Scout cookie that would go well with this recipe is Samoas®. I’m not a coconut fan, so I went with the S’mores. 

smores girl scout cookies review

Girl Scout Cookies S’mores Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup of melted butter
  • 1/4 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 package of S’mores Girl Scout cookies (can be substituted for Samoas® Girl Scout cookies)
  • 1/2 cup of condensed milk

s'mores girl scout cookies

Girl Scout Cookies S’mores Directions

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Mix together the butter, sugar, and flour.
  • Press the mixture onto the bottom of a pan you’d bake brownies in to turn it into a crust. The one I used is 9×11.
  • Bake for 12 minutes.
  • While this is baking, put the Girl Scout cookies into a large plastic bag and smash them with a rolling pin so they are broken up into big crumbs.

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  • Microwave the condensed milk so it can be spread easily on top of the crust that’s baking. (This is what the Girl Scout cookies will stick too.)
  • After the crust is out of the oven and cooled a bit, spread the condensed milk over the crust. 
  • Sprinkle the Girl Scout cookies over the condensed milk.
  • Cut them into squares.
  • Enjoy.

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