Before I dish on the McDonald’s Happy Meals giveaway (you know you want to win), let’s start with the basics.

As parents, we know our children’s health is a big concern. That’s why we pay such close attention to what we feed them. Sometimes after a long day of school work, swimming lessons, soccer practice, more work, etc., we need a quick meal… but we also don’t want to feed our children foods that contain harmful and artificial ingredients.
McDonald's Logo

I recently had a chance to sit down with some local McDonald’s franchisees in South Florida to discuss McDonald’s new and simpler Chicken McNuggets, as well as McDonald’s commitment to provide healthier and natural foods to its customers. The three franchisees, two moms and a dad, explained how they have seen McDonald’s evolve over the years as they grew up in the business.

McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets

We also had the opportunity to taste test the new McNuggets, which are made with 100% white meat and no artificial preservatives, colors or flavors. They were sooooo good – even better than what I’ve had there before! Not only were they were healthier, but the wide selection and variety of sauces had me and Julianna eating more and more. Yes, you can win a year of McDonald’s Happy Meals RIGHT HERE. (Just scroll down!)


McDonald’s Salad Blend

Visiting and touring a local McDonald’s was interesting for a few reasons. It may sound silly, but my biggest take away was learning iceberg lettuce is very low in nutritional value! For this reason, McDonald’s has said goodbye to iceberg and hello to kale and spinach – some of the most nutritious salad blends!

Now, keep reading for an announcement from McDonald’s, more info about the McDonald’s App, and for the giveaway!


Announcements From McDonald’s

McDonald’s USA recently announced a number of moves across its menu as the company continues to evolve. This includes:

  • removing artificial preservatives from several items which also don’t have artificial colors or flavors, including its iconic Chicken McNuggets. Across its breakfast menu, the pork sausage patties and omelet-style eggs served on McGriddles, Bagel and Biscuit breakfast sandwiches, along with the scrambled eggs on its breakfast platters, also now have no artificial preservatives.
  • rolling out new buns this month that no longer contain high fructose corn syrup, including the buns used on Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, hamburgers and cheeseburgers, Filet-O-Fish and McChicken sandwiches. The Artisan roll introduced in 2015 never contained high fructose corn syrup.
  • completing a major commitment to only serve chicken not treated with antibiotics important to human medicine* nearly a year ahead of schedule.

Click HERE to read the full announcement about all of their new developments.


Download the McDonald’s App

You can Discover Delicious Deals by downloading the McDonald’s App. The app offers both national and local deals.

Some national deals they currently have running are:

  • Savings to Savor

Get FREE 4pc. Chicken McNuggets, made with no artificial flavors or colors and now no artificial preservatives, with purchase of Large Extra Value Meal® when you use our App!

  • Sip, sip, hooray!

Buy 5 McCafé® beverages, get 1 FREE!

Con­nect with McDonald’s South Florida #MyMcNuggets
Web­site | Twit­ter | App | Face­book | Insta­gram

South Florida Moms: We’ve Got a Giveaway For You!

Win a McDonald's McNugget Happy Meal every week for a Year! 5 Winners- Ends 8-31-16.

Enter now to secure one sweepstakes entry for your chance to win McDonald’s Happy Meals featuring the new, simpler Chicken McNuggets every week for a year*. Additional entries will go up for grabs—by following @McD_SouthFLA on Twitter or by downloading the McDonald’s App to Discover Delicious Deals.

Open to US Only, 18+. One entry per house­hold, per IP address. Win­ner will be cho­sen ran­domly by the entry-form, win­ner will have 48 hours to respond before another win­ner is cho­sen. Give­away begins 8/17/2016 at 12:01am ET and ends 8/31/2016 at 11:59pm ET

*Free McDonald’s for 1 awarded as 52 McDonald’s Happy Meal “Be Our Guest” coupon cards to be used once every week for a year . Redeemable only at participating McDonald’s in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Monroe County.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Dis­clo­sure: Blog­gin’ Mamas is being com­pen­sated for man­ag­ing this give­away, but is not respon­si­ble for prize ful­fill­ment or ship­ment, nei­ther are any of the blog­gers involved in this give­away. This give­away is in no way affil­i­ated, endorsed, or asso­ci­ated with Face­book, Twit­ter, Pin­ter­est, Insta­gram, or any other social media out­let.


I’m required to disclose a relationship between my blog and McDonald’s. This could include me being provided with content, product, access, service or other forms of payment.


    My daughter who is autistic will only eat Mc Donald’s chicken nuggets!! I’ve tried others but without success..this would be a blessing for our wallets!! LOL

    Please note my correct email is Not one noted below thanks!!! 🙂

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 a millennial mom here to help book lovers discover stories worth canceling plans for.

Think of me as your personal book matchmaker with a side of self-care expertise. I'm here to help you find the perfect read for every mood while trying not to drop your book in the tub. (We've all been there.)



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