I got a pretty cool email this morning that told me what my 5 most popular blog posts of 2015 are. Some of them surprise me, some of them don’t. Read on to see.


5. The 10 best toys… you didn’t know existed. This one was fun to write, and obviously fun to read. I discovered some new things and my readers did too!

4. How to backsplash your kitchen with glass subway tile. What a project this was! I hope this post makes it easier for others to attempt their own home renovation. I also got paid for this post. Bonus!

3. How in the world are you considered a plus size model?! I LOVED writing this one. Not only did I get to support a friend who is a plus size model, but I got a better understanding of the industry and my readers did as well. Mamapedia also shared it on its website, which was a great compliment!

2. Butter Cake for California Pizza Kitchen recipe. When I say I’m surprised by some posts that made the list, I’m talking about this one. I never would’ve guessed it would’ve been my second most popular post. I think Pinterest is to thank for its popularity. I liked eating this one better than I did writing it 😉

And my #1 most popular blog post of 2015 is… What Steve Harvey did wrong with Miss Universe. This one was fun to write too. Not only did it allow me to lend my expertise of live TV and social media to my readers, but this was a current topic that everyone was talking about – whether or not they really cared about who won Miss Universe.

I was also surprised a few blogs didn’t make the list.  I remember after posting them, I got a pretty big response.

Why I stopped pitching bloggers really made some bloggers mad. The reaction was more pronounced on my LinkedIn page than my blog. I even had a few people tell me to change what I wrote! Some bloggers can be crazy! Many took this post as me saying “Bloggers aren’t influential” and “Bloggers shouldn’t get paid.” But, if they turned their defensive tone down a notch before reading it, they would acknowledge the actual meaning behind it. Needless to say, the reaction was… interesting. It made me question, who is worse: those moms or those bloggers?

One blog I wrote after a reporter and photographer were killed on live TV: Working in TV is more dangerous than glamorous.

Another popular post was somewhat similar and gave people an inside look to “the media” many think they know so much about: What really happens behind the scenes.

Finally, a non-industry post really rattled some feathers with those moms who like to attack others online for doing things differently. Wow, people got really heated when they found out Why I pierced my infant’s ears! This post was shared on Today.com and brought in a wide variety of responses – good, neutral, and bad… child abuse bad. (I had to laugh at some. They were just too funny.)

So that’s it for 2015! I wonder what 2016 will bring… hopefully none of these!

  1. Lauren says:

    I loved all of these! I thought a few that made my list were surprising as well!

  2. nicole says:

    i know… i (almost) never know what’s gonna hit and what’s gonna crash… weird.

  3. Angela Cruz says:

    My favorite was indeed your Steve Harvey Miss Universe post! Because I am so interested in pageants and everything you wrote was spot-on. I am so glad you are a blogger (and I actually know you in person) because I love the content you create. You inspire me in so many ways… here’s to 2016!

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 a millennial mom here to help book lovers discover stories worth canceling plans for.

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