Julianna started swimming lessons at 6 months and Landon started at 10 months. I think it’s so important for toddlers, even babies, to know how to swim – more importantly, know how to survive. That’s what Mr. Blue’s Baby Guppies classes are all about. Both the parent and baby learn water safety skills together in a safe and fun learning environment. Once a week, we practice blowing bubbles, breath holding, kicking feet, rowing arms, reaching for and choo-chooing along the wall.


When Julianna was in the class, her favorite part was the “humpty jumpy” sitting on the wall, then “humpty jumpy” having a big fall. This teaches the baby (or toddler, or child) that when you fall in a pool, you turn around, swim to the wall, and grab it. This is just one reason I think swimming lessons for infants are so important. Swimming lessons for toddlers are just as important. Don’t wait to get your little one started – especially in Florida! Landon loves it too! Check out Coach Julie helping him out with it.


We love Swim with Mr. Blue in Coral Springs. When you register, you can get a Learn to Swim with Mr. Blue book and DVD. The book and DVD are part of a Learn to Swim Program and will help both you and your child learn the concepts and songs needed to make your child’s experience in the water a positive one. Children learn through repetition, songs, and fun.


Want to get your child started with swimming lessons in Coral Springs? Contact Swim with Mr. Blue!


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