Every Thanksgiving, people hit the roads and highways in the sky. With that, come delays and other travel snags. To avoid this, I’m a planner, but before leaving, I always wonder if I should turn off my electronics or appliances and which ones I should unplug to ensure I don’t run my electric bill while I’m away.

Worry no more because Florida Power and Light Company (FPL) has us all covered.

Here is a complete list of what appliances we should ignore and some we should pay attention to before we leave on vacation.

unplug appliances on vacation

Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner can account for over 50% of your energy use. So, make sure you adjust the thermostat settings so you aren’t wasting money by cooling an empty house when you’re not home. In the warmers months, FPL recommends setting your thermostat to 82 degrees when you’re away and in colder weather to 65 degrees or cooler. 

Pool Pump

If your house has a pool and you own a pool pump, it can be the second biggest energy user. Reduce your pool pump run time while you’re not home to help save energy. FPL advises running your pool pump for four hours per day during the winter and six hours during the summer.

Water Heater

Since you’re not home, you will not need the water heater to function. So, to save energy, you can turn this off. If you’re going away for a long time and don’t have an on/off switch then you should turn it off at the circuit breaker.


Lighting is considered the fourth largest energy user for homeowners. If you want to save energy, make sure you turn your lights off. If you want to keep some on at night, use a timer.

FPL mobile

FPL sponsored an ecobee3 giveaway to help South Floridians beat the heat and save money. Missed your chance to win? Don’t worry – there’s an even better opportunity. Take FPLs free online home energy survey and you’ll be automatically entered to win a $10,000 Smart Home Energy Makeover and weekly prizes, including the new ecobee4 Smart Thermostat.


I’m required to disclose a relationship between my blog and FPL. This could include me being provided with content, product, access, service or other forms of payment.

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