As a female business owner, I love supporting other women in business. This is one reason I’m so excited to be a social influencer at the Women Empower Expo in Fort Lauderdale this October. I don’t only enjoy networking with like-minded women, but I love learning from them. With nearly 40 speakers, I’m bound to learn a lot.

Empowering Women

When I think of empowering women, the word that comes to mind is support. While that may not be Webster’s “women empowerment” definition, it’s mine. I think it’s safe to say that when it comes to gender equality, supporting women in what they do professionally is a step in the right direction.

I like to think I’ve always done this. Recently, when I started selling Younique, I was more conscious of it. Then, I really noticed it when I started blogging. Since launching Media Maven, I go out of my way to support other women in business.

Luckily, I’ve been able to find other women who share my feelings on the empowerment of women… and we help each other so much. We don’t only offer each other professional support, guidance, and advice, but we pass around enough referrals to keep us busy for months.

We all have one thing in common – confidence. Women who support other women are confident. Instead of seeing competition, we see collaboration.

[bctt tweet=”Women who support other #women are #confident. It’s not competition, it’s #collaboration.” username=”@MediaMaven_CN”]

Unfortunately, many women have missed the memo on women empowerment.

Women in Business

I’ve worked with women in restaurants, TV, the blogosphere, and public relations. While you may think women in TV take the cake for being insecure and acting like “mean girls,” you’re wrong. It’s the women I blog alongside who really throw me for a loop.

While I have a great circle of blogging friends, I have also mixed and mingled with some I care not to associate with anymore. I guess you could say I was naive. I didn’t understand, and still don’t understand, why some of these women in business did not support each other. What may be worse, they pretend to be empowering, but aren’t.

I could share so many examples of the junior high behavior here, but I won’t. Long blog post short, I don’t deal with them. I literally ignore them because they are non factors. Before I did this, I used to kill them with kindness. I hoped that it would trigger something in them to realize their ways and come around. It never did. I was wasting my time. As a mother of two and business owner, I don’t have time to waste.

Women, don’t be this person. It doesn’t benefit you or anyone around you. Instead be empowering.

Join me at the Women Empower Expo!

Do you understand the importance of female empowerment now?!


Why not support one another? Because you’re insecure and feel threatened? (Read this, and get over that. It’s not good for anyone.)

Join me at the Women Empower Expo in Fort Lauderdale. Here are the details:

Who: Lots of successful women in business (click here to see a complete list)

What: Lots of women empowerment

When: Saturday, October 15th at 10:00am

Where: Fort Lauderdale Convention Center – 1950 Eisenhower Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Cost: $30

Click here to get your #womenempower ticket now!

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I'm Christina!

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 a millennial mom here to help book lovers discover stories worth canceling plans for.

Think of me as your personal book matchmaker with a side of self-care expertise. I'm here to help you find the perfect read for every mood while trying not to drop your book in the tub. (We've all been there.)



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