If there is a product on Amazon that makes parenting easier, then sign me up! I was recently asked this question by a fellow writer and shared three of these Amazon finds with her.
Then I thought, let me add to this list and share it with my readers on my blog… and here we are. Some of the products below have affiliate links.
10 Amazon Products for Stress-Free Parenting
This list isn’t for new parents, so you’re not going to find recommendations for sippy cups, baby carriers, or a diaper bag here. However, if you are looking for more information on picking out the best baby monitor, click here.
I love the best deals on new products for my little one and big kids, so if you have any to add to the list, let me know on Instagram at @ChristinaAllDay.

1. Sitting Still Like a Frog Activity Book: 75 Mindfulness Games for Kids
Click here to buy it on Amazon for $12.
I love this book because it is a fun, educational book. It also helps my kids, specifically my 7-year-old son, deal with his emotions when he gets upset. It’s really like therapy in a fun way. Sometimes I do the exercises with my kids and it helps me… and I’m 38 years old!
Plus, this is a great way to introduce the importance of mindfulness to kids. There are so many important lessons and social skills that help build their character at a young age, but again, they don’t feel like lessons because they’re fun.
2. Fabric Storage Bins
Click here to buy it on Amazon for $34.
Because my kids have no concept of organization, the way my Home Edit loving self does, these bins help. Not only does it make organizing and cleaning toys look good, but it makes it easier on my kids by assigning each bin a theme. LEGO in one, Paw Patrol toys in another one, etc. Plus, a clean house gives me less stress and sanity which always makes for a better parent.

3. Bed Buddy Weighted Blanket for Kids
Click here to buy it on Amazon for $30.
If your kids have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, then I suggest this weighted blanket. It’s made for kids, so it’s not too heavy and it helped me out a lot with my oldest son who is a night owl. This put him right to sleep and he sleeps soundly through the night. You just might need to help tuck your little one in at night 😉
4. Play Money Set for Kids
Click here to buy it on Amazon for $10.
At some point, your kids are going to be fascinated with money and credit cards. They may even try to take yours. Before that happens, grab this play money set for them. It looks very real, especially the bills, and is educational too.

5. Pop-it iPad Case
Click here to buy it on Amazon for $13.
Santa brought our daughter an iPad for Christmas, so when it came to cases, she wanted a fidget case. I thought that would be impossible to find… but it wasn’t. Now, this case doesn’t exactly work like a pop it does, it just has the look, so she loves it.
6. Rainbow Ball Brain Teaser for Kids
Click here to buy it on Amazon for $9.
Speaking of fidgets, we have all kinds in our house. Apparently, it’s the new thing. I had slap bracelets. They have fidgets. This is just one of many we have, but this one is a very popular and fun one to play with. Plus, they are proven to relieve stress, so that’s always a good thing in young, rambunctious kids.

7. Kids Footprint Stickers
Click here to buy it on Amazon for $9.
This is a lifesaver for us outside at our pool. Dylan loves to jump in, but he’s only two, so no matter how many times we tell him he needs to jump away from the steps and where it’s the deepest, it just doesn’t stick… but these feet do. With these feet on the pool stone, he knows exactly where to safely jump in.
8. Stainless Steel Straws
Click here to buy it on Amazon for $6.
There is nothing worse than having a kid throw a fit in public, like at a restaurant. Here in South Florida, paper straws are all the rage. I am here for helping the environment, but I’m not here for disintegrating paper in my Coke. So, just keep these bad boys in your purse and you will be set!

9. Kids Swim Goggles
Click here to buy a pair on Amazon for $15.
We have a saltwater pool and my husband loves to take the kids to the beach. To keep things fun and light, try these cool-looking goggles to keep your kid’s eyes pain-free while they have fun.
10. Wired Headphones for Kids
Click here to buy it on Amazon for $16.
My kids needed to get these for school, but let me tell you, they were lifesavers when they were in virtual school at home. With two kids in two different classes, me running a business from home, and a husband and infant nearby, it was nice to not hear all of the things from all of the devices.

Any new things to add to the list? I love a good learning tool or an innovative product. Find me on Instagram at @ChristinaAllDay and let me know.