How do you decide which website host is best for your blog? It’s a very important question because not all sites are created equal. These six tips will certainly help you find the best website to host a blog.

Best Website to Host a Blog

vistaprint website hosting

1. Determine your website hosting needs

First, chuck everything you are doing to the side and analyze your needs by asking these simple questions:

  • What size of traffic do you want to attract?
  • Do you have to install particular software?
  • Are Windows applications a must?
  • Will you need specific-purpose software in some operations?
  • Do you want the popular choices?
  • What is the type of website you putting up?

TIP: You can answer some of these questions by imagining how you want your site to look in a year’s time.

(I use Bluehost and love it for these reasons.)

2. Find the best website hosting services online

You have a lot of choices and options when it comes to picking out the host with the best services. These will help you start a blog and make it prosper later on.

Providers of services for web hosts proliferate on the internet making it a mass market. By going directly to these providers, you ensure you are only going to get the best service.

However, when it comes to picking out one for your blog, you may have to shorten your list to the league leaders. There are good reasons why they are at the top of the heap – they have years of experience.

3. Check flexibility

Sometimes, your choice will depend on the flexibility of these companies. Try to look for one that can adjust to your needs in a very easy manner. They must also be flexible when it comes to their rates and services that they offer.

4. Know all about supporting features

The support system of a company speaks a lot. Customer care is something you have to look into during your tedious search. This is a major reason some web hosts are far better than others.

[bctt tweet=”The support system of a company speaks a lot. ” username=”ChristinaAllDay”]

Just like in other industries, web hosts customer care are not equal to each other. Pay attention to this because nothing is worse that have a tech problem you can’t fix.

(With Bluehost, I have never had an issue getting help right away. While you wait less via chat help, the help I receive over the phone has always been more than amazing.)

5. Read the hosting company’s Terms of Service

Before you make your pick and choose a company, it is important to educate yourself with its terms of service, or TOS. For example, find out if it offers refunds to customers who are not satisfied with the service.

Also, look into the cancellation procedures and find out if it charges an extra fee for this. If it does, and the fee is extraordinarily high, avoid that one and look at the next one on your list. If you can find a host that offers refunds on your trial period, you should consider it.

6. Make sure the hosting control panel is user-friendly

An easy to use control panel for hosting will be an integral part of the whole system. It does not matter what type it is. It’s important it can be handled pretty easily and has all the important functions essential to your blogging needs. If this isn’t possible, the support staff will be running the show for you… which is something you do not want to happen.

This is a guest post submitted by Vincent Hill.

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