I’ve recently become a big fan of shopping online. I’m not only a mom of two, but I also wear a lot of hats as the owner of Media Maven. Online shopping is fast, easy, and convenient. It’s perfect for me!

Yes, you can go grocery shopping online.

Up until now, I felt like it would be impossible to do my grocery shopping online. Online shopping is for everything else, not immediate needs – like bananas, milk, and cereal.

Well, with Walmart’s Online Grocery Pickup, you can order anything you want online – groceries, and everything and else that’s available at Walmart. When you go to pick up your order, you don’t even have to get out of the car. The best part? It’s free. There is no extra charge for a Walmart employee to pick up all of your things and bring them out to you.

Watch me do my grocery shopping online… and pick it up.

After I took my kids to Walmart, well, the Walmart parking lot, with my daughter still in her jammies, I quickly became a grocery hero. (Hence the #GroceryHero in the video.)

10 reasons you should shop online for groceries

I could go on and on about shopping online in general. After all, I did prepare you for Amazon Prime Day. But shopping online for groceries, is a different game. A better game.

[bctt tweet=”But #shoppingonline for #groceries, is a different game. A better game.” username=”@MediaMaven_CN”]

  1. You can stay in your jammies (as noted above) because sometimes that’s just fun for kids… and adults.
  2. You don’t have to wait in a line… because have you ever done that with a couple of toddlers? It’s not always fun.
  3. You don’t get sidetracked by other things you see on the shelves. You know how you go into a store for one thing and end up leaving with much, much more?
  4. Online, you won’t have any parking problems. There’s a perfect spot reserved just for you.

grocery shopping online     5.  It’s easier to say no to your child screaming for gummies at home, then it is in the store… while you’re standing in the aisle with the Disney princess or Doc McStuffins gummies.

6.  Two words: crying kids. Now worries when this happens at home while you’re online or in the car while they’re in their carseats.

7.  You will not forget what you went into the store for… because you’re not going into the store. You already ordered online! If you forgot to order something, you have plenty of time to hop back online and add it to your order.

8.  You can choose when you go shopping online and when you want to pick up your order – the exact day and time.


9.  You don’t have to navigate around shoppers who have that habit of blocking the aisle with their cart. When you’re in a hurry, which working moms are at times, dealing with traffic inside the store is a non-issue.

10.  When you’re not feeling well, or one of your kids is under the weather, the last thing you want to do is walk around a grocery store.

[bctt tweet=”Do you want to be a #groceryhero like me? Click here to get started #grocery #shoppingonline >>> bit.ly/2c8eSZB” username=”@MediaMaven_CN”]

Do you want to be a #groceryhero like me? Click here to get started grocery shopping online.


I’m required to disclose a relationship between my blog and Walmart. This could include me being provided with content, product, access, service or other forms of payment.



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 a millennial mom here to help book lovers discover stories worth canceling plans for.

Think of me as your personal book matchmaker with a side of self-care expertise. I'm here to help you find the perfect read for every mood while trying not to drop your book in the tub. (We've all been there.)



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