I can’t believe I am writing a post on how to take a great selfie… I feel like Kim K. and I don’t like it, haha. I HATE selfies, but I had to start taking them since starting my crazy mascara business, so I’ve learned a think or two in the process. Since I seem to be one of the few people in the social media world who hate selfies, I’d thought I’d share my tips for all of you who like to show us what you’re working with.

1.) Make sure you are facing light. Natural light works best, so if you can, look out the window. If not, look in the mirror with the lights on in front of you.

2.) Don’t put your phone right up to your face. Take the picture wide – get your whole head in there, THEN crop the picture. This will keep it from getting blurry. (This one, obviously specific to mascara close ups)


3.) Look into the lens. Don’t look at the screen. (This should also have you looking up a hair, which can eliminate some extra chins… and it’s just a better angle)

4.) Right before you take the picture, close your eyes for three seconds, open them, the shoot! This gets rid of the tired or droopy eye look.

5.) If you do before and afters for comparison, make sure the lighting and positioning is the same. If not, the point of a before/after is kinda lost.

6.) Don’t do duck lips. Please. More on why not here.

7.) Don’t move. You will be blurry.

8.) Strike a pose. If you are a selfie lover, you are looking for attention of some sort (in my opinion), so show us what you want us to look at. If it’s your dress – hold it out in a twirl position. If it’s your eye makeup – wink. If it’s your car… well, please don’t take a selfie with your car – that’s just too desperate. I don’t care what you drive. I’m not impressed.

  1. Kristen says:

    Thank goodness you are not pro- duck face! Cute!

  2. Don’t forget the Selfie Stick. Great post

  3. You and your selfies girl..you know you like ’em?? LOL I have yet to perfect the art of it…hence why I rarely take them…just need to find my perfect angle! 😉

    • Haha. I am warming up to them just because I feel like one of the only ones who doesn’t do them… but I gotta say – the ones that scream “look at me, look at me” with body parts hanging out and what not, I just can’t deal.

  4. Angela says:

    I love how you commented to “look at the lens,” I have a problem with wanting to look at MYSELF on the screen so my eyes are always a little “off,” ya know?

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