This time of year, it seems like everyone is focused on eating healthier. New year, new you, right?
The problem with that resolution is that after a few weeks (okay, a few days) people get busy and resort to their old ways. Luckily, Jamba Juice makes it easy to reap the benefits of juicing. It’s where my family and I stopped on a Saturday morning at The Walk in Coral Springs on our way to my daughter’s gymnastics class.
Jamba Juice Menu
Oh, where to begin? There is a lot on the Jamba Juice menu – smoothies, coffee, and even breakfast sandwiches.
My kids loved their JambaKids™ smoothies, Strawberries Gone Bananas™ and Blueberry Strawberry Blast-Off™.
My husband and I tried the Caribbean Passion® Smoothie, Mega Mango™ Smoothie and a coffee blend called Lotta Horchata that had some cinnamon in it.
I loved the Orange Dream Machine® Smoothie – a creamy treat made with nonfat frozen yogurt. (Someone who follows me on Instagram saw me mention it in an Instastory, tried it out, and loved it too!)
I also got a breakfast sandwich with turkey sausage, egg, and cheese.
Something that’s really cool about the Jamba Juice menu is how the ingredients and the benefits of each fruit or vegetable are broken down. For me, it really was educational and all of the answers to my questions were answered.
Benefits of Juicing
Juicing is great for your overall health, increasing strength, and it also helps improve stamina and can increase testosterone for men, according to Robert Clark, Founder of iTestosterone. It helps you to get your recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables.
Dr. Mashfika N. Alam, a family physician, says using fruits, vegetables, or the two together can give you a nutrition-packed drink that is rich in enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
“Juice is easily absorbable and provides plenty of nutrition readily in a short time after consumption,” Dr. Alam said. “People who do not like vegetables or fruits can also be more comfortable with juicing because it’s easier to consume.”
Dr. Alam said the best ingredients for juicing are:
- Carrots
- Red Beets
- Green Vegetables
- Cucumbers
- Pineapples
- Oranges
- Apples
Now, let’s visit some frequently asked questions about juicing, specifically as it related to two ingredients – cranberries and beets.
Juicing Cranberries
The nutrients in cranberries have been linked to a prevention of certain types of cancer, improved immune function, and decreased blood pressure.
Melissa Eboli, a culinary nutrition expert, said cranberries are great because they fight off infections, especially in women, who contract urinary tract infections.
Cranberry juice is renowned for its effectiveness in treating urinary tract infections because it inhibits bacteria from attaching to the bladder and urethra.
And this is my favorite part: They are high in vitamin C which helps produce collagen AND they act as a natural acne treatment thanks to a compound called resveratrol and antiseptic properties that help ensure nice clean skin by killing or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms on your skin.

2816 N University Dr. Coral Springs, FL 33065
Juicing Beet Greens
Beet greens supply a good amount of protein, phosphorus, zinc, and fiber. They are full of antioxidants, high in vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese.
Eboli said juicing beets is great for someone who is anemic or Vitamin-B deficient.
Beets are also great for cleaning the colon. They are also alkaline, but just like everything, you want to enjoy these in moderation.
“They are high in oxalic acid and can make you nauseous,” Susan Schenck said, author of The Live Food Factor, The Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet.
If you want to get more fruits and vegetables, stop by a Jamba Juice location and try a smoothie, energy bowl, shots, freshly squeezed juices, boosts, and tasty bites.
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